Focus on… Knee Injury – Meniscal Tears
Beachbox physiotherapy focuses on knee injuries – meniscal tears.
Tips For Preventing Workplace Injuries
Many injuries occur as a result of simple tasks done repeatedly over the course of several hours. Often these issues begin slowly and take many months to resolve. Here are a few tips to keep yourself pain free in the workplace.
Focus On… ACL Reconstructions
A common injury of the knee is a tearing of the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). This ligament is very important for stability of the knee and often needs to be repaired surgically.
Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains refer to a tear to the ligament fibres of the ankle. Commonly, a person will roll their ankle inwards and tear the ligament on the outside.
Orthopaedic Surgery And Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic surgery is any surgery performed primarily on the musculoskeletal system of the body. Common orthopaedic surgeries you may have heard of are joint replacements and reconstructions.