COVID-19 UPDATE: In-Person Appointments Available as Normal
In keeping with current government health advice, Beachbox Physiotherapy has resumed in-person appointments. Whilst Telehealth remains an option, it is no longer the preferred option.
If you have any questions and concerns feel free to contact us.
Why I should consider Telehealth?
Telehealth is now the preferred method of patient contact during covid 19. Whist we acknowledge that some of our work needs to be done face to face, there is a proportion of our work that can be done via telephone or videolink. If you are unsure whether you need telehealth then please give us a call and we can discuss the options with you.
How do I access Telehealth?
To access Telehealth simply book in to physio or podiatry as you would normally. Please advise reception that you would prefer a Telehealth appointment and whether you would prefer phone contact or video link. If you book online, simply choose the “Telehealth” option.
What do I need to access Telehealth?
All you need is a traditional telephone or smart phone (Iphone or Android). If you choose to use your smartphone / computer or ipad then we’ll email you a link to an app to download.
Once your appointment time comes around, we will call you on either device.
Can I claim Telehealth, the same as I claim my normal physio or podiatry?
This is constantly changing as the government changes the level of alert. Please contact your insurer or our reception about whether you’re able to claim your session.
As well as in-person appointments, Beachbox Physiotherapy also offers Telehealth through an easy to download smartphone/tablet app, via your internet browser, or via telephone. Currently the following services are available for Telehealth.
- Physiotherapy
- Ergonomics Assessment
Telehealth at Beachbox Physiotherapy
Telehealth at Beachbox Physiotherapy is provided by an easy to use app for Android or Apple – or via your internet browser on your desktop. We can also provide telehealth via the traditional phone call if that suits.
For your peace of mind the Telehealth software has:
Secure video consultations
End to end encryption
Best-in-class security
Secure real-time messaging
Our Telehealth software also allows your practitioner to:
- Prescribe customised exercise and rehabilitation programs
- View your self-reported progress
- Share videos, images and documents to you
- Send reminders and audio messages.

Frequently Asked Questions about Telehealth
What Technology do I need?
Video Telehealth can be done on a smart phone, tablet/laptop or desktop computer with a camera attached. To do a video consulation a good internet
connection is important, please ensure you connection is reliable as this will ensure your consultation runs smoothly.
Regular telephone consultations can also be done if you don’t have these technologies available.
What happens if my computer or internet fail during the consultation?
Should our Telehealth consultation not work our Practitioner will call and continue the consultation via phone.
Is Telehealth Medicare Rebateable?
As of Friday 20th of March 2020 Telehealth is rebateable if you are an appropriate care plan. However, this may change so it is best to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this.
Is Telehealth covered by Workcover?
As part of its response to COVID-19 Worksafe has temporarily allowed Telehealth services to be covered. This will be reviewed regularly so please check the Worksafe website for the latest updates – or contact worksafe.
Is Telehealth covered by Private Health Funds?
You will need to confirm this with your particular health fund prior to your consultation.