Adductor Tendinopathy

Adductor Tendinopathy

The adductor muscles are a group of five muscles located on the inside of the thigh that act to move the hip inwards or control hip movements outwards. These muscles also provide stability to the pelvis while standing, walking and running

Hamstring Tears

Hamstring Tears

What is it? The hamstrings are a large group of muscles found at the back of the thigh. The primary role of these muscles is to bend the knee and collectively, these muscles are some of the strongest in the body. Despite their strength, the hamstrings are very prone...
A Focus on LCL Tears

A Focus on LCL Tears

What is the LCL? The knee is one of the largest joints in the body and has only one plane of movement. This means it bends and straightens but does not twist (much) or move from side to side. To keep the knee from moving in other directions, the knee is supported by...