Shoulder Dislocations

Shoulder Dislocations

As the name suggests, a dislocated shoulder is where the head of the upper arm moves out of its normal anatomical position to sit outside of the shoulder socket joint. 
Some people have more flexible Joints than others and will, unfortunately, have joints that move out of position without much force. Other people might never dislocate their shoulders unless they experience a traumatic injury that forces it out of place.

When Physiotherapy Treatment Doesn’t Work

When Physiotherapy Treatment Doesn’t Work

We often hear from patients that they have put off treatment following an injury because they have previously tried physiotherapy and found that it didn’t work. Understandably, this can lead to a reluctance to invest time and money into future treatments. While there are never any guarantees in healthcare, in this article we highlight a few reasons why your treatment may not have worked in the past and why it may be worth trying again.