Mint & Mango Marinated Zucchini Spaghetti


Serves four as a side dish or two as dinner.








Raw spaghetti is made from slicing 2 zucchinis

Mint & Mango Sauce

1 Mango, medium size
4 tbsp. olive oil (Add more if you like)
15 Leaves fresh mint
1 inch fresh red chili
2 inches fresh ginger
A pinch of salt & pepper
A handful of green pea sprouts and pistachio nuts for garnish
1. Wash the zucchinis and slice them into fine strips.

2. Peel and remove the stone from the mango, add all ingredients in a mixer and mix until smooth.

3. Pour the mango mint marinade and work it in by hand.

4. Arrange the spaghetti on the plate and garnish with sprouts and chopped pistachio nuts.

Recipe from Green Kitchen Stories. To see more go to

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